The web site of DigiDevil

3,406 updates
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After testing it i am proud to say my site officially works on the kirby browser!
1337nightbug 1 year ago

kirby browser????

digital-devil 1 year ago

The nintendo kirby browser. ill take a pic of it hold on

1 like
nippo 1 year ago

can you link to the browser? it looks awesome

1 like
nippo 1 year ago

If anyone's still looking the site is linked here

Does anyone have links to those 2000s anime site layout template websites? I wanna start making my own for people to use but i need inspiration on how theyre made
nowthatweareseparated 1 year ago It's not exactly "anime focused" but there's an anime section and it's a pretty good time capsule of 2006~2012 personal website design.

No updates today either, i normally update on days i have no school like weekends. Maybe tomorrow since its a friday? Im gonna update more next week tho
moonview 1 year ago

hey, it's ok if you don't update every day! that's the point of a website, it's a more tangible Thing that won't like, be forgotten about by "the algorithm" or be less likely to be seen if its inactive. just go at your own pace and don't stress. :)

sorry 4 not updating yesterday
im so tired sleepy
Thinking about changing my url to StarSmS and my site name to Messages From the Stars. Good idea?
Anyone else kinda sorta wish they were a girl? Like it would make your life better and you don’t like how you are now? Is that normal or just me? I’m kinda confused about me rn.
heckmaster 1 year ago

It's okay to be confused. While it is uncommon to feel that way, it's also not a bad thing. Gender is complicated, but whether you're a girl or a boy or anything else, all you gotta be is yourself.

yeagh 1 year ago

I personally don't relate, but we'd support you nontheless, boy or girl or whatever you want to identify as.

gonnefishin 1 year ago

i do kind of relate, and it's something i'm not specifically comfortable talking about, but know you're not really alone here... (。﹏。*)

How would y’all feel if I changed the design of my site to make it not Jack Frost, and also started writing guides and mods for animal crossing and other DS games?
digital-devil 1 year ago

I’m still gonna have a Jack Frost theme but it’ll be like the death note one where it’s not the default theme. I’m gonna make a bunch of different themes!

moonview 1 year ago

i say go for it! that's the fun of being a webmaster, nobody to tell you that you can't have 7 different themes. just one gets boring after a while! :p


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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMar 23, 2021
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