The web site of DigiDevil

3,412 updates
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I’m completely changing my site! It’s gonna be pokemon themed
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Wats yo fav megaten song. Mine is heaven from P4 i just changed my site music 2 it
yeagh 1 year ago

hard choice... probably signs of love from p4 idk

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Ive been listening to the junes theme for an hour straight. send help
yeagh 1 year ago


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I really wanna make my site look like one of those old timey news papers and act like a 1930s detective but like im not one of those sad people like emo or doomer and i dont want people to get the wrong idea
digital-devil 1 year ago

Should i make my site look like that? Kinda worried i would make people think that

sunnyday 1 year ago

NO i dont think people would think that. fuck whatever anybody thinks honestly Have fun with your site and its design. its YOUR little corner on the internet

digital-devil 1 year ago

??? What do you want me to do? You yell no at me and then tell me to do it? I might just be dumb but i’m so confused rn

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I really want a psp
yeagh 1 year ago

same ngl

cabbagesorter 1 year ago

u can find second hand psp's for quite cheap these days, i recommend looking for 3000 with cfw already installed - less of a hassle

digital-devil 1 year ago

I like to install cfw myself so then i can listen to kaibas theme and turn of all my lights except the green one so i feel like a hacker

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If i wanted to go about making something how would i?
cyborgcatboys 1 year ago

first get yourself familiar with arduino and microcontrollers, as well as basic electronics. pretty much all of the "pretty lights" cosplays/wearables use these to control the lights. there are a lot of projects on so what i usually do is check if someone there has done anything similar so i can adapt what i can (it saves work in the long run).

cyborgcatboys 1 year ago

my must-learn recommendation is to learn how to use batteries safely in wearables, this will probably be one of the harder things to learn, but wearables have them as a prerequisite.

cyborgcatboys 1 year ago

my best piece of advice is to experiment, make mistakes and don't give up, as this should help to get you familiar with how things work (that being said, it kinda requires a moderate disposable income, so do what you can)

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedMar 23, 2021
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