Alien Head Shit Kid

10,526 updates
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cheytopia 1 month ago

Oh my goddd the iconic green LG Rumor!!!!! You're real.

1 like
good news: i have switched from opera to firefox so I'll be attempting to fix the strange issues that pop up when viewing the site on other browsers / monitors
Love your movie reviews, especially the one for Pulse (2001). I love to see people talking about that movie! Your review hit the nail on the head.
alienheadshitkid 2 months ago

aaah tysm!! I know i consciously put those reviews on there but it still freaks me out to see that people actually enjoy reading them lol. I love that movie so much!!

1 like
your site looks really cool! one thing i will note is that a lot of the pages don't look good on a monitor that isn't 1080p, so could you try to do smth about that? :)
1 like
alienheadshitkid 2 months ago

thanks! I'll see what I can do haha I'm actually not good at html at all

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alienheadshitkid 2 months ago

also a lot of the pages were made before I knew how to do responsive page layouts lol so I'll have to update them :^)

1 like
Thanks for following! Always love a interactable room nav page.
alienheadshitkid 2 months ago

eee thank you! Your page is awesome <3

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 10, 2023
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videogames aliens 90s nostalgia blog