Ariadne's Lab

1,753 updates
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Unsure what to say, but I’m so sorry you had to go. Wish we had talked more. Love, Ariadne
1 like
This is the funniest website I've encountered in a very, very long time. Thanks for the good laugh.
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Ariadne's Lab was updated.
1 year ago
Ariadne's Lab was updated.
1 year ago
Redid my "links" page. If you have a button for your site that you'd like me to include, let me know by commenting here (or reaching out by other means if you have my info) :)
Events page has been added. Come find my booth at the New York Poetry Festival on 7/29 and 7/30 for merch (and some freebies!)
oops I commented but accidentally deleted it I think? Anyway, this is very cool and I'm excited to see the website develop. Thanks for taking on such a great project!
1 like
gaily-novelry 1 year ago

Oh, thank you! We've been spending some years hunkered down trying to figure out how to make books, and it only seems good to make the figuring-out process easier on other folk. <3

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedJul 16, 2022
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