2000s Dream Vault 2.0

962 updates
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London UK to Texas USA this week! Might do some site updates if I get some downtime.
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New page for my CD collection! It's not completely finished yet. Still quite a few CDs to add. And a few things to work out/fix. But I'm happy to finally have this part live!
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I'm finally working on some new content for my site! A dedicated page for my CD collection, with an image gallery of album covers. I started working on it today, so will be a little while before it's up (I have a lot of CDs).
Wow I love your site!! It's so cute, and I love the Windows desktop style :)
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Cheese is grate
Hey! Thanks for the follow :) Your website is really cute!
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This is gorgeous! Like early Mac meets Nintendo Wii!
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dolphinriivolution 4 weeks ago

I actually used a mid 2007 Mac Mini quite a lot when i was a kid, so i can't deny that i may have took some inspiration from the mountain lion and yosemite days of MACOSX lol. Anyways, tysm!!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedSep 20, 2024
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music nostalgia physicalmedia ps2 windowsxp