2000s Dream Vault

491 updates
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love the concept with the windows xp icons!!
2000sdreamvault 1 month ago

thank you! I'm working on a redesign of the site at the moment :) Still have all the XP icons but it will be far less bare bones! More containers etc. Thanks for the follow :)

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Now that I've switched to Phoenix code I'm getting so much done much faster. I can't believe I wasn't using a live view in the first place. I've got a new style for my site that I really like, but want to develop it more (like having a side bar) so will keep working on an offline version until I have the style down. But it's finally looking more like how I imagined before I started this!!
I've had so much time to work on my site this week, because I've been on night shifts at work. Last night I finally figured out a few formatting things I've been trying to get my head around, I'm excited to start writing them in! I also switched to using Phoenix Code instead of the Neocities coder, as it has live view so it's waaay easier to see what I'm doing works. Where have you been my whole life!!
I'm thinking of posting a guide on my site on how to Windows XP-ify your own PC. Would anyone be interested in that? Let me know! I've essentially created a Windows 10/XP hybrid and I'm actually loving it so much.
Update part 3: All I can say is that I'm enjoying music more than ever, and using a computer is fun again!! I even have the classic Sims collection installed. Eeee! I can't wait to share it all with everyone soon. -S
Update part 2: All this will be shared on my website in the new year. I need time to do some writing and create some visual content to put onto the site. But for now, I'm living my 2000s childhood fantasy (not really a fantasy since I was a child in the 2000s).
Update part 1: It's been far too long again. Christmas is a busy time. Since then though, I have still been building my CD collection, I've made more progress with my VHS collection, and probably most exciting of all, I've customised my Windows 10 laptop and PC so they look like Windows XP, including some legacy Windows XP apps.
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 20, 2024
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2000sinternet music nostalgia millennials physicalmedia