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NEW BLOG POST: just speaking on newer users, gatekeeping, and the culture of neocities to a degree. feel free to leave your thoughts under this post. :)
moonlit-blossom 1 year ago

just read it and i honestly agree. i've seen a few sites tagged as "carrd" "crd" or similar, but honestly it makes no sense to host it here. gatekeeping is nice as long as it doesnt turn into hate, which is not what neocities community does, this kind of gatekeeping is more of a "this isnt rlly the best place to host a little thing like a carrd" kind of message

digital-devil 1 year ago

Good and I agree with it a lot. People need to try to make more than just cards because there’s so many things you can do here at least!

cabbagesorter 1 year ago

"genuine question, why would you chose a platform like neocities to host that when carrd is just as powerful, and much easier to use?" - unironically, it's because neocities gives you cool points if youre a young teen online. look at all the epic animecore/webcore/whatevercore tiktoks and youll see a ton of kids being wowed by it, so i get it. but when they come to neocities they only bring what they're familiar with

cabbagesorter 1 year ago

where they essentially make carrd 2.0, an about me page that only serves to establish rules on how to interact with said user. it's silly, but interesting to see how kids online perceive personal webpages in a totally different way lmao

aleveithan 1 year ago

I really like how well you worded everything here :) I think it's a very fair take on the current trend of disvaluing the full effort that goes into maintaining a site vs. just essentially a social portfolio and how there's a lot of unrecognised effort that needs to be put into something like a website vs. a carrd

kopawz 1 year ago

yeah i only got on neocities this year a few months back, but yeah this is a hosting site for personal projects that you are willing to put time and some effort into. the crag is my corner of the web for media discussion and storing graphics it doesn't need my pronouns, dni, or anything like that; that'se what my dang carrd's for! i'm not here for clout i'm here because im makin it my house. you wrote very well!

dazeyworld 1 year ago

neocities literally promotes learning html, for free! it's not elitist or gatekeeping at all, the platform itself is aimed at hobbyist coders... if they wanna make something pretty and just host their about me w/o coding carrd is SUPER powerful

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