Tyler's Webbed Site

1,513 updates
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Probably going to be moving my neocities site to a proper domain name soon
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Thinking about getting a proper domain name... i need somewhere to set up my git backups and stuff that isn't owned by microsoft
New updates! Introducing an improved reading experience with increased font size and line height, an all-new article from me, and improved navigation on mobile/small screens. Also fixes some long-standing bugs with fonts.
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webring developers don't use fixed pixel sizes or table elements to format your widgets challenge
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biiiiig update, mostly file management and backend stuff but also new dark mode! (on most pages, support isn't 100%) by default this will use your system's theme preference, but you can force light/dark mode using the sun/moon buttons on the left panel on desktop
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Website Stats

Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedApr 26, 2023
Site Traffic Stats


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