Vega Collective ✵Їntɇrdimensional Ṁessage Ḅøard✵

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You stand in the entrance to the ship, squinting in the momentary dimness before the walls appear to swell and glow in apparent sync with your own pulse, which gradually slows to a calming rhythm. Looking onwards, a complex labyrinth extends beyond. Lightly wrenching your foot free from the viscous fluid coating the floor, you journey on. Universe be with U.
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As your feet grace the entrance chamber you cast a glance over your shoulder. A muscular structure spins into a tight spiral severing your ties to the world you have left behind. UBWU
Thank you for joining our mission of salvation in the face of certain obliteration. We very much enjoyed your printmaking! UBWU
We trust you are glad to be safely aboard, thank you for choosing Vega for your flight into the outer limits of comprehension! Universe be with U
Now safely aboard, you await your masking ceremony where its metallic finish will reflect all that you are part of. You will gaze wistfully into the void, but not with sadness for what has passed. Instead, you will dream of what will be. UBWU
Thank you for joining us. Please pay close attention to onboard announcements as the spatial structure of Vega is subject to change at any time. UBWU
acidattackeverything 1 day ago

fantastesch padažas!

Interesting, we look forward to seeing how this develops. UBWU
We extend a warm welcome you as a new passenger and hope to serve as your oasis of unity amongst the deafening silence of the void. Universe be with U

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Last updated 3 hours ago
CreatedAug 16, 2021
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90s art weird pixelart occult