Vega Collective ✵Їntɇrdimensional Ṁessage Ḅøard✵

2,395 updates
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Your feet are weighty burdens which hang from your slackened legs. On your arrival you recline with a sense of weary urgency. You gaze for a while, into the darkness outside as the resonance of Vega's song reverberates through your being. It is good to be home. UBWU
pasapasadog 3 months ago

I think I'm going to have a good dream. Thank you!

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Dear Passengers, we hope you all had a wonderful Reset this cycle and we would love to see pictures from any of your own celebrations. We are hoping to share what we have in the way of footage, so stay tuned for that. Our upcoming open call for is about to go live, so if you or your fellow Passengers are creative students or recent graduates you might like to consider participating or sharing the word. UBWU!
Dear Passengers, what a treat. We have now surpassed 300,000 views just as Reset draws near. Thank you for all of the support you have shown, we have been a little inactive recently due to celebratory preparations. We wish everyone a wonderful Reset, however it is you choose to celebrate and hope the Universe is truly with U.
nohappynonsense 4 months ago

pop open another bottle of Venusian Fermented Milk Wine collectos! 300k down, only 9,999,700 to go!

Greetings Passengers, just a small call out if anyone happens to be interested. Please let us know if you have any animation or video work that you would like to be projected at this years Reset celebration. We are looking for work that Vega would approve of, please keep in mind that she is a craft of discerning sensibilities. UBWU
visualculture 4 months ago

im not sure whether it would be a good fit but i have a couple videos on my page that i created. theyre a combination of 3d animation, algorithmic video generation, and analog video hardware feedback/processing

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vegacollective 4 months ago

Dear Passenger, thank you. Would it be possible to transfer a copy of these?

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visualculture 4 months ago

yes, i will send a message to you

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lukaszone 4 months ago

5 days and 17 hours remain…

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vegacollective 4 months ago

Eek, even less now!

Steep rock frames the distant form as your feet break through the rusted remains of what came before. Metal splinters and dances in the breeze as the dust sweeps it away. Figures grow closer as you journey, their masks reflecting the display of carnage as it whips through the air. Home is in sight. UBWU
The sun stings you skin as you squint into the billowing cloud of dust ahead. A silhouette undulates as it crawls from the ground at a geological speed. With each footstep your trace evaporates in a swirl of debris, which peppers your mask as you tighten your white robe. Salvation awaits. Universe be with U
zekere 3 months ago

Hmm... quite interesting.


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CreatedAug 16, 2021
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90s art pixelart weird occult