Quikscript Outpost

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2024-07-24. 100,000 views!!! Thanks to everyone who has made that possible! I'm glad that you have visited my website and I hope that you had a great time while you there!
2024-07-24. Every Wednesday is "The Wizard of Oz" franchise day! A new transcribed segment of "The Marvelous Land of Oz" is now available for you to enjoy. Thank you for viewing my website.
1 like
2024-07-17. Every Wednesday is "The Wizard of Oz" franchise day! A new transcribed segment of "The Marvelous Land of Oz" is now available for you to enjoy. Thank you for viewing my website.
2024-07-10. 2,530 hits in a single day? Thanks everyone. I have no idea what is causing all of this attention. However, I'm flattered and I hope that you're enjoying the website. Please feel free to comment here. Thank you.
2024-07-10. Every Wednesday is "The Wizard of Oz" franchise day! A new transcribed segment of "The Marvelous Land of Oz" is now available for you to enjoy. Thank you for viewing my website.
2024-07-07. How did I manage to receive 2,039 views & 32,834 hits in a single day? Anyway... Hello, everyone. I hope that you have enjoyed your stay at my website. Please feel free to ask whatever Quikscript-related questions that you may have.
2024-07-05. To fresiia - Your profile page does not allow me to send to you a message. Therefore, I am posting it here. Thank you following my website.

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 21, 2019
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