Stomping Grounds

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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

That is quite a cool article you made there punchy. funny enough i was about 5 too when i first touched a PC mouse, all the way back somewhere in 2002, the computer in question was my mothers scaleo 400, which she passed down to me many, many years later

punchy 5 years ago

thankz and wow 2002.. ancient times

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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

yeah, that was when windows XP was the latest, and not the obsolete... i think one of the first things i searched was some animation of dancing badgers, which was fairly popular at the time. and i was once allowed to play lego island for a short time.

punchy 5 years ago

I remember those filthy badgers! BTW you've reminded me!! I used to play purple palace

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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

I vaguely remember something called purple palace... can't say i did play that one though. The most popular song at that time was the modem singing, not displaying data and my mum shouting 15 rated obsceneties at it.

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cerebraldatabank 5 years ago

SicklyCarpet, you may be referring to the great Purble Place :) I used to play that so much lol (I'm only 15, but I still remember when Solitaire and Minesweeper weren't riddled with ads, leaderboards, and in-app purchases)

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