再会の血と薔薇 | Index

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ok. i MAY repurpose this website for some art proyects. i miss fansites and shrines and there's many things i want to tribute this way. maybe it will branch off heavily from j-rock but i miss this space <3
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hiii hows everyone!! i am still alive so im plugging my current site which is still very unfinished but im focusing on it a lot more now < 3
this site is officially closed. no more remodelation. i may update some discogs but no big changes will happen. im past fansites for the time being.
surenaga 3 years ago

A little over a year ago, I browsed into your webpage on a whim and found some good music. I'm sad to read of your webpage's closure, but no good thing is meant to last. Thank you for all your hard work.

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saikai 4 years ago

hi i'm deleting a buncha pages < 3 just to leave the site clean with what i had done. i'm just gonna leave this site up for what i've done and ocassionally use it as a dump for randomss

this is a painful decision to make but i'm going to be deleting the gallery pages since the pictures aren't really mine :( nothing happened but i just don't feel ok with it
saikai 4 years ago

honestly i've lost a lot of interest on this site and time doesn't really let me dedicate that much time to it. i don't really see a point anymore and i'm not at the right mindset for a fansite. i'm going to leave it hanging around how it is for a while (even if unfinished) but also because of all the hours i already spent working on it.

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makz 4 years ago

I'm sorry you're feeling burnout, but thank you for the hard work you've put into your site up until now! It's been a nostalgia trip for me. :)

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedJan 30, 2019
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