Wait the Read What You Own challenge is so smart... may have to try it out myself * __ *
it has been such a game changer for me, sarah!! it really inspired me to read more in general!
i also decided to set up an email for those who’d like to keep in touch. feel free to email me at nphsitecontact@gmail.com (you can also find it on my about page and in the intro message of my guestbook)! other than that, just a couple of small updates: two new quiz results and new picrews on my about page, three new external links on the links page and – finally! – a new guestbook.
Happy anniversary!!! Your site is so cute and I'm glad to have been able to find it :-)
Ahhhh happy one year Marina!! You have one of my favorite sites on Neocities and I'm so happy we've met! Here's to many more website birthdays!! :D ♡♡
Happy belated anniversary, and here's to another fun year of web weaving for you!
thank you!!! :D this is so fun! i'm actually working on a nancy drew games shrine at the moment! do you have a favorite game? also thank you for telling me about your childhood postcrossing memory, it's so lovely to hear <3
unfortunately i haven't played any in a REALLY long time, but i do have fond memories of them from my childhood! i also found a bunch at my local thrift store on disc that are still on my list for after stardew lol! if you like watching other people play nancy drew, gab smoulders on youtube has a whole playlist!!
you're in for a treat then! rediscovering childhood favorites is wonderful <3 and i LOVE gab!!
new bookbug page for the may read + updated my "read what you own" list
I haven't finished reading yet, but you're review is really interesting considering you can read it without a translation. In the English translation I'm reading - it's still very dense with long sentences, which I guess keeps the spirit of the original xD
@percevalprintpress thank you for sharing your thoughts <3 yeah, i guess the denseness is indeed in the spirit of the original :D i'm looking forward to your review of the book!
Your game reviews page is so cute! Loving the color palette and and PNGs you chose... it makes me want to explore point-and-click games too! Do you have any recommendations for a beginner with the genre? ♡
@inkcaps thank you sarah! <33 most of the games from the nancy drew series (my favorite ever ♥) is very beginner-friendly! one of my favs is last train to blue moon canyon, which i think is a good introduction to the genre and the series
it came out in 2005 so the graphics can seem a bit dated (not to me, but i know some people prefer more modern stuff), but the story and atmosphere are top notch and the puzzles are not too easy and yet perfectly solvable.
lamplight city (the first game i write about on my 2023 review page) is also pretty beginner-friendly, i think :) it’s also a detective game, but it has an entirely different vibe and it’s third person (while nancy is first person). it has a more modern look and gorgeous pixel art
wow I love the review page! That's so cool! I think the one I'd be most likely to enjoy would be strange horticulture!
@percevalprintpress thank you so much <3 based on the vibe your site gives off, i think strange horticulture would be a great fit!
Ahhh thank you for the in-depth reply, this is fantastic!! The atmosphere in Blue Moon Canyon looks amazing, that alone makes it seem so engaging! From your review, Lamplight City seems to have really engaging world building, so that looks interesting too!! ;w;
may bookbug review is now up 🤡