purgamentum exit

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notprincehamlet 11 months ago

THE POSTCARD COLLECTION PAGE IS UP! well, the first part of it is! the code is extremely clunky, but it is what it is

thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

This is fabulous!!

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Whales rule!
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butterflybush 11 months ago

I heard that in Lani Minella's voice clear as freaking day. What's your favorite game in the series?

notprincehamlet 11 months ago

yeah, same! :D it's hard to pick one single favorite, for me it fluctuates between Blackmoor Manor and Last Train! what's yours?

butterflybush 11 months ago

Blackmoor Manor is really up there for me, I remember playing it right when it came out, it was like next level spooky with the raw meat. The parrot was so goofy too. I have played most of the games, but have only finished a fraction of those (my toxic trait lol). I have a major soft spot for Danger on Deception Island because I'm originally from the PNW, love orcas, and it was the first ND game I ever finished.

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butterflybush 11 months ago

But like Warnings at Waverly Academy was pretty unique when it came out too so I do really enjoy that one!! The twist was so fun. And if there's one game that I have to actually complete before I die it's Treasure in the Royal Tower, because the garbled phone call scene totally scarred child me. In a good way.

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A FELLOW NANCY DREW GAME FAN HI HI HI!!!!! :D I've currently been challenging myself to play through all of them in order, I'm currently only on the second game but I played a few of them out of order when I was younger and enjoyed them a lot
notprincehamlet 11 months ago

HI!!!!! :o nancy drew games were my first fandom when i didn't even know what 'fandom' was!! which ones did you play when you were younger? and which one was/is your favorite?

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tsuinosora 11 months ago

I played through White Wolf, Danger by Design, and Waverly Academy! I think my favorite was Danger by Design, but that is subject to change as I continue playing through them. It wasn't my first fandom but it was pretty close! Always fun to see another fan of them :D

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notprincehamlet 11 months ago

have fun playing through them! :) i recently replayed White Wolf and Waverly Academy after not having played them for a while, and i had so much fun rediscovering them!

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i'm in love with the collage/scrapbook-y look of your website omg ♥_♥
asiaworld 11 months ago

Thank you sm!!

Your site is so cool!! I really enjoy all the attention to detail in each little element (also, arfid gang)
notprincehamlet 11 months ago

arfid gang! thank you so much, i loooove the pixel scrapbook look of your site!!

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i love your site it's so cool!!
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notprincehamlet 11 months ago

thanks!! ♥ i love yours so much too! i'm obsessed with the puppy that goes 'woof woof' on your about page

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notprincehamlet 11 months ago

just gave my halloween page its first proper update: i started on a media recommendations page (which is only classic bw spooky movies for now). also uploaded some halloween blinkies :3

thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

absolutely obsessed with your movie recommendation list. I haven't seen a lot of the classics, but I feel like i'm gonna have to check them out since you also prefer spooky not scary halloween :)

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notprincehamlet 11 months ago

i'd be delighted if you checked any of them out!! i love old movies in general, but when it comes to horror i'm really drawn to the older classics because there's no gore and very few jumpscares :) The ones I listed rely on atmosphere more than anything else, and they manage to be just spooky enough for me

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inkcaps 11 months ago

This is so cute so far, oh my goodness

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notprincehamlet 11 months ago

ahhh thank you!! i've been working on a proper update for some time now, it should be up soon :3

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thegardenofmadeline 11 months ago

Love this so far, spooky not scary halloween lover unite!! Just started on a Halloween page myself :)

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your site is so cozy and calming, love it so much! ♥ thanks for the follow!
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inkcaps 11 months ago

Aww, thank you so much, and thank you for following back! I can say the same about your site--super comfy!

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