weird wide web

236 updates
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college started so now i have an excuse to not be updating the site..... sorry!!! tho maybe finally learning how to code properly is gonna make me go back to this. i miss messing with css and stuff, i just dont have many ideas for some pages lmao
thsi is the coolest website EVERRR
weirdwideweb 4 months ago

THANK YOU!!!!! yours looks sick!!!!!

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i finished one of the pages but i just feel like its too boring.............. maybe ill upload it as a place-holder for the future when i get a better idea but im still thinking...... im also working on a few commissions, not that many but enough to make me a bit tired. it hasnt even been a week since my last big update but it feels like months lmao. im also working on a page to keep my art, which is cool
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ok, took my small break now ill go back to brainstorming. ill probably work on my museum first, but i also wanna make my blog a real thing!!!
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weirdwideweb 6 months ago

very small update(the smallest ever), i just added a new video to the random_cool_videos generator!!!

weirdwideweb 6 months ago

new page is up!!! now you can see pictures of the weirdest alien known to manking!!! i want my next page to either be my blog or my art archive because im gonna use this site to keep my drawings and dumb animatics somewhere

hey! quick coding question(for anyone who sees this lmao), is there a way for me to link the index with the about page active? i want a button on the page im making that leads to that specific page but idrk how to do it. i tried giving it an id but it didnt work
weirdwideweb 6 months ago

ok i figured it out but i had to use java... im really bad at it. there is an update ready for tmr!

weirdwideweb 6 months ago

small update, not much changed! fixed the navbar on the about page and updated the logo a bit. still havent started working on the next update!

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weirdwideweb 7 months ago

veeeery small update. i added my guestbook(yay!) and made it so the page buttons are more straightforward. :)!

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedFeb 20, 2023
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deltarune art ocs undertale