KaiserPug - ruining the internet since 2023

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i seriously can't take anything seriously and i need mental help.
and i absolutely shouldnt have doubled down because i was bitchy and people were calling me fat. i don't like being insulted, but thats nothing compared to the shit ive done to the community.
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and i dont expect everybody to "think twice and forgive me". no. the shit i did was fucked up. i cant just say somebody was joking when they were going through a suicidal episode. it doesnt matter what my intent was, if i was just tonedeaf or whatever, it doesnt fucking matter. nothing i said was acceptable.
i am so sorry for the horrible shit that i have said on pikidiary. i don't expect to be forgiven. at all. what ive said about vil and jax was on no level acceptable. i never intended to harm, but to say i harmed is a gross understatement. i hope that the shit that ive done never happens on that site again. i need serious mental help.
sup guys
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BREAKING NEWS: WE ARE DECLARING WAR ON EVERYBODY NAMED ANDREW! For years andrew has been competing with the name anthony for the place as the best andy. Well, I, Anthony Muller, hereby declare WAR ON ANDREW!
your website looks epicsauce
elkmon 1 month ago

Thanks! Same goes for yours

I wish water tasted like coca cola
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 5, 2023
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