Thank you!!! Having the page really motivates me to be intentional with my movie viewing.
And your blog page!!! Its so creative and visually interesting, I am insanely impressed!!
after looking through your site some more, I decided to put you on my "sites I like" list in the friends tab of my website!
Yay!! I will certainly be adding you to my neighbor wall when I'm ready to update it :)
I'm glad you are finding value in it! I plan on writing a lot more, so you'll have plenty to dig into!!
Omg THANK you I LOVE yours too, both content and form. Tinashe is soo good love her. I'm also loving and relating to your current music obsessions. Addison Rae has been giving us pop perfection and I'm living for it.
Thank you so much!! Addison Rae just gets it omg. So happy to find other people with similar music taste on here! I love everyone's different intersets but the girlie pops need to claim their space on the indie web! haha
Return to Oz looks so cursed I need to watch it. And it has young Fairuza Balk!
IT'S GENUINELY SO GOOD!!! Fairuza is great in it too. I can't recommend it enough.
We've all been awakened like sleeper cells it seems! The power of Wicked is actually insane lol.
it would be so fun if you did end up doing drawings for some of your outfits! you create a great mental image just w/ your descriptions, but an added visual would be so neat :)
I would love to see illustrations of your outfits!! ;w; Doing flatlays of them is also a possibility--I have a page dedicated to my lolita ones! (❁´◡`❁)
Thanks for the encouragement guys! I really appreciate it. The flatlays idea is a good one! i may just allow myself to be inconsistent and just do what I'm motivated to do. I love the immediacy of writing but fashion really is a visual medium so I'll start incorporating visual aids as I get the motivation to create them :)
hell yeah!! :3
Congratulations on your milestone! :)
All the way deserved, your site is wonderful!! <3
congrats, love your site!