Thank you so much!! I love your site and it was definitely an inspiration to me!! Glad to see fans of niche trashy horror out here! :)
Added some new recent mutuals to neighborland. If we're mutuals and you don't see your button pleeease let me know I probably just couldn't find it <3
Absolutely love this! I wish more people took the time to add descriptions to the sites they're linking to! (It's on my todo list...)
I feel that! As you can see it's still on my to-do list as well lol. It's nice to push ourselves to be more actively engaged with our community :3
Ahhh YOUR website is so cool omg the room and the closet and everything is so clever and beautiful and well done I can't wait to see it unfold!! Happy to meet another fellow fashion lover!!
You are so sweet thank you!!! I was so immediately charmed by your site; I can't wait to see how it expands and unfolds!! You've got a great eye and a fabulous aesthetic sensibility. Happy to share this space with you!!!
a big ditto on wanting to take advantage of pool time this summer! a friend of mine recently opened hers back up, & I need to get over my fear of sunburn to swim at least once lmao. also now that I'm aware of your recipe page, I want to try that lo-fi breakfast wrap asap! <3
Ahhh yay!!! Fear of sunburn is real I have managed to avoid it thus far with just really frequent sunscreen application. Perhaps a nice wide-brimmed hat can provide you some extra protection? And omg the breakfast wrap I still dream about it thank you for reminding me! I hope you love it and make it your own :) Glad to see you back online!
i am sitting at my desk staring at my home page like "i didn't add them back???" lol i'll add them and let u know
okay i got it lol they're on my home page
Thank youuu :)
annnnnd added