are you using a custom mc skin or one of the defaults ? if it's custom i'd LOVE to see it !
Thank you for asking @fish! I'm playing on xbox so my skin is basically default but i really should work on something fun and custom! You've inspired me :) And I'll be sure to share once it's up.
Dude, Ethiopian sounds sooooo yummy. I went to an Ethiopian restaurant one time & it was one of my most memorable dining experiences! On another note, I also use Neocities as a reward. I tell myself that I can play around on here after I've done my school work or sent out emails :)
Also, I like hearing your work stories. It's like seeing a business lady in a sitcom or a romcom or something :p
Ahh @Vashti that makes me so happy because a business lady in like an early 2000s sit/romcom is exactlyyy the vibe I try to curate so things don't feel too mundane. It mostly works! I love leaning into it even if my job and life is nowhere near as glamorous and it's a big part of my style identity as well. Glad we both find ourselves here! It's like we're meeting up in the break room or a coffee shop (*^‿^*)
Hell yeah dude, get your soda! I just bought some Ramune earlier today (o˘◡˘o) Hope you feel better soon!
I agree with Vashti, I love reading about what you're wearing!! ;u; I hope to hear to about some of your most favorite pieces in your closet someday!! <3
Thank you inkcaps!! That's a great idea, I don't know why I hadn't thought of it yet.
Wow thank you so much!! Your site is so stunning and cozy. So happy to meet you :)
@cheytopia happy to meet you as well, can't wait to see how your website grows! ♡
New muse entry is up though not insusceptible to further edits. Loving everyone's entries for this week so far :)
What a cozy vignette! I'm really enjoying the arc of it--simple woes, simple wins, peeks into the mundane plots of others. And the bit about letting the sun overtake you!! A lovely thing to read on my own lunch hour.
Thank you all for your lovely comments. They mean more to me than you know <3
Ahhh thank you so much! I literally have that exact hello kitty boombox that's in the corner of your homepage in my room irl. Pleased to make your acquaintance <3
oooh that's so cute!