You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
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Are you sure you want to do this?
It's Times. You'll need to distribute the font on your site if you want it to work on other machines. Don't ask me how to do that properly though.
it displays in times for me, but honestly i think its still really nice-looking <3
i see Times! i think it looks great with Times. i see in your CSS file that you have the url for the font set as "MS_MINCHO.ttf" and nothing else. i think you might need to put the folder name that the font is located in within your neocities files, and place quotes around the url, like this: src:url("/font/Mali-Bold.ttf") ; hopefully you can get it working! :3
i don't have the file in any other folder, it's just in the same folder as my html/css......peculiar......
I looked in my web console when loading your page and I see that I'm getting a 404 trying to get the font file.