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loves1ck 2 weeks ago

Aw your cookie Travis is one of the cutest things I've ever seen! I hope that the rest of April will treat you well, and that you get relief from all that physical pain soon ;v;

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hardmachine 2 weeks ago

Congrats on finding the massage therapist!! That sound like an amazing coincidence.

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strawberryreverie 2 weeks ago

Thank you Lapin and Capy! Cookie Travis is giving me extra strength to keep on going ♥ And it really was an amazing coincidence Capy, what are the chances?

vivarism 2 weeks ago

It's so terrible to spend every day in pain, not knowing when it will end... Your ability to keep going despite it all amazes me. Obviously it's not easy and sometimes you'll need to run away from everyone, but you always come back and always find cute, joyful things to be grateful for. Maybe it's weird to say but I'm really proud of you and your perseverance, and I feel really happy knowing that

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vivarism 2 weeks ago

good things are still happening for you— the best of all being Cookie Travis! I don't know that anything can top that... I hope that your doctor can help you find relief, and that all the loving people around you can soothe your heart, too.

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strawberryreverie 1 week ago

Oh Flonne you are so kind, you'll make me cry ;_; ♥ It's really hard but this past week has been better. Thank you so much, it makes me happy to know you're there for me just like Cookie Travis.

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CreatedOct 10, 2022
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