NewsMan's house!

1,073 updates
0 tips
ovengoats 1 year ago

this page rules........... im Tuning into the news rn

i love ur layout!! it has a lot of personality and i havent rly seen anything like it before :-)) (i found u through the-bat-house btw)
spiders 1 year ago

AW TYSM!! glad u like it, ive been making it into my little experimental virtual dollhouse

1 like
oooo 3300 views.. i think the site counters are Extremely outdated
spiders 1 year ago

yeaaa they're at 1600. should remove them tbh

hello! I laughed a lot when I saw the "spiders followed you" notification. thanks for checking out my site! it genuinely means a lot to me :')
1 like
spiders 1 year ago

spiders are INDEED following you!! ur comic is so cool btw, had a lot of fun reading it :]

1 like
thel3tterm 1 year ago

@spiders oh wow! thank you for reading it :D Its still a work in progress but I'm happy to know some people are enjoying it.

terrible update to the site Done. i might keep adding to it but Not Right Now bc that'd take forever.
spiders 1 year ago

i say "terrible" in a tone that indicates i think it is very cool

1 like
i lovelovelovelove your site im gonna add your button rn ^-^ (ps when i saw the notification "spiders followed you" i fucking died. im being hunted by a pack of spiders and neocities has let me know)
spiders 1 year ago

TYSM!! spiders are indeed following you =0= <-thatse a four legged spider (very real)

1 like
ok the blog section about the cake is more specific now! i do not think anyone's paying attention to that but i find it Very Relevant for future me fucking up the kitchen
1 like
i made the cake i mentioned in the blog section again!! tip: don't fuck up the cake mold. otherwise it is so good

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedDec 22, 2022
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