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It's alright, 20 different projects that I've started and not finished, I will get back to you soon... Hopefully.
pearliasystem 2 months ago

very small changes as usual! I'm going to *attempt* to make the blog standalone without getting burnt out today. Pacing is key!

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I love when I start a project and get burnt out in the literal middle of it
moseni 2 months ago

bro this is literally me

graybox 2 months ago


They got banned... What the hell
lavenderblues 2 months ago

wait I thought they just deleted their site no?

pearliasystem 2 months ago

I saw that they got removed by neocities for violent behavior but that may be untrue

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lavenderblues 2 months ago

i cant tell if they were a troll or were they genuinely stressed and kind of 'losing it' for lack of a better phrase?

pearliasystem 2 months ago

I'm not sure either, but I've seen their name A LOT and they seem to be generally hated everywhere

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lavenderblues 2 months ago

ig they're just a spammer? just by how many accounts that come up by googling their name

graybox 2 months ago

@perliasystem yes, she was banned by Neocities. she mentioned that it wasn't her who deleted the site on the thread!

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pearliasystem 2 months ago

That's what I thought.

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What the fuck is going on rn ?
pearliasystem 2 months ago

Who is bigblue ?

graybox 2 months ago

some rando that kept yelling over the followers stat of some other innocent site. too much to explain. i posted a link to a zip file with all the screenshots!

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graybox 2 months ago

theyre like, a schizo or something cause the way theyre acting is NOT normal

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pearliasystem 2 months ago

Interesting. Research time

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I have a new and (maybe) more simple idea for the OMORI Shrine now... I might give that a shot over the next week or 2.
pearliasystem 2 months ago

This is not more simple.

2 likes Enable autoplay before entering (credits on page source)
pearliasystem 2 months ago

YOOOOOOOOOO IT CAME OUT SO GOOD (I have been trying to make a script for the textbox for a bit now and you absolutely aced it, I love to see it!)

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moseni 2 months ago

haha thank you, i can give you the script and an instruction on how to use it (no credits needed) :) just hmu on discord @moseni

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pearliasystem 2 months ago

I will definitely be taking advantage of this for this upcoming project

pearliasystem 2 months ago

Added! (softsweet is me!)

idk if you seen my reply on the mari page cuz its not showing to me but can i add "something" as an easter egg to my site? :D i liked it very much
pearliasystem 2 months ago

Go ahead! Let me know if you need any of the assets for it.

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moseni 2 months ago

aha no worries! I'll just check the code and take the resources, plus credit you

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pearliasystem 2 months ago

Alright! Thanks a lot.

I'm starting to think the real OMORI shrine is the friends we made along the way (if you get me).
pearliasystem 2 months ago

Ok, previews are back!

pearliasystem 2 months ago

I made a very small update on this to be more like in game...

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CreatedDec 25, 2023
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