
2,009 updates
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Hey Dan! You've been added to the Pals page, the jellyring database and the Giant Jelly pool! If you want to proudly display your Jelly, go to the Pals page and copy the code to your site. If you do, make sure you change YOURFULLURL/ to your full address with HTTPS:// and the slash at the end! Let me know if you have any trouble with it! Thank you again for stopping by Jelly World!
Hey Bruno! You've been added to the Pals page, the jellyring database and the Giant Jelly pool! If you want to proudly display your Jelly, go to the Pals page and copy the code to your site. If you do, make sure you change YOURFULLURL/ to your full address with HTTPS:// and the slash at the end! Let me know if you have any trouble with it! Thank you again for stopping by Jelly World!
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Hey Rin! You've been added to the Pals page, the jellyring database and the Giant Jelly pool! If you want to proudly display your Jelly, go to the Pals page and copy the code to your site. If you do, make sure you change YOURFULLURL/ to your full address with HTTPS:// and the slash at the end! Let me know if you have any trouble with it! Thank you again for stopping by Jelly World!
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september 3 years ago

Awesome! Thank you for all your hard work, Jellymaster!

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Hey Draco! You've been added to the Pals page, the jellyring database and the Giant Jelly pool! If you want to proudly display your Jelly, go to the Pals page and copy the code to your site. If you do, make sure you change YOURFULLURL/ to your full address with HTTPS:// and the slash at the end! Let me know if you have any trouble with it! Thank you again for stopping by Jelly World!
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Hey gatosalchicha! You've been added to the Pals page, the jellyring database and the Giant Jelly pool! If you want to proudly display your Jelly, go to the Pals page and copy the code to your site. If you do, make sure you change YOURFULLURL/ to your full address with HTTPS:// and the slash at the end! Let me know if you have any trouble with it! Thank you again for stopping by Jelly World!
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Hey Draco! Thank you for bonding with Vanilla and Passion Fruit Jelly! I've added you to the pals page and the Giant Jelly! I'm working on a website badge thingy if you want it so I'll send that your way once it's done! Thank you again!
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Hey Rin! Thank you for bonding with Rainbow Jelly! You've been added to the pals page and the Giant Jelly. I'm working on special site badges for peoples sites if you want it, so I'll let you know when it's done. Thank you again and love your site! The colors are awesome!
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Hey Bruno! Got your request to bond with Smelly Jelly! Thanks for being the first person to stumble on to my site! I really appreciate it. I'll be adding your stuff to the site soon. Thank you again!!
arremeer 3 years ago

No prob! Best of luck with your site, dude. I really love the idea!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 17, 2021
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