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also. ive never been in or seen snow in my life. on tuesday i made a snowball for the first time ever and it was so much fun. it has made everyone i know full of childish joy to be able to play in the snow for the first time ever its so amazing
So true...I went out and built a tiny snowman and tromped through the snow. It was awesome and really made the dreary weather more bearable
exactly!! i wish i built a lil snowman but EVERYWHERE was out of gloves and my fingers got so cold
i hope y'all good D:
@stardustdreamz we are!! i hope u r too!! thankfully we didnt lose power or water or anything!!
I'm okay :D I don't get snow, instead we have a lot of high windz and we almozt had firez (we okay now <3)
stay warm!!
my gf saw snow for the first time ever here too!!! although we mostly got a lot of ice falling haha