You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
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whoever sent u that.. we need to kill them
and I thought the shit I've gotten is bad :(
damn I hope you can block those words on the Cbox website I sorry to hear that :(
@makoenergy THATS WHAT IM SAYING!!
@acetaminophriends im sorry weve both gotten hate!! its so ridiculous for people to act like this like we are hurting anybody
@karikinsun427 i was able to flag them for spam too!! so hopefully maybe they wont be able to comment/comment less.
wellll to be honest it was mostly about something mildly ignorant I said when I was fifteen but I don't think the enormous amount of hate I got was proportional to what I said at all
I did get basically drawn porn in my inbox once recently for no reason though :|