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i have never heard of a caffeine pill before... i hope its helpful but it also sounds so odd.. i hope the north is good to you!!
i've been a serial water drinker my whole life!
added 2 more vn reviews (air & sanoba witch). i won't lie, my interest in vns has fizzled out a little bit.....i really want to read more, i just don't ever have the drive to do so. and it's tough to form thoughts about vns i read years ago, so hopefully my reviews don't suck entirely....
i adore your website layout, so simple and sleek. did you use a template or did you build the code by hand, i wanted to use and edit it for my own website if you dont mind, with credit of course!
thank you! i hand-coded my website; feel free to reference/use some of the code from this layout, i tend to wipe my css & redo everything from scratch like once a month anyways lololol so who knows how long my site will look like this