~ Memories of You ~

24,876 updates
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fuck, i think burnouts finally starting to come back.
vashti 6 months ago

Make sure to take it easy if you can (๑╹ω╹๑ )

1 like
misterdizzy 6 months ago

Let yourself turn off, for a time. You'll be back.

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dulcesilly 6 months ago

take it easy, im sure you can do this <3

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after an entire year of planning, i finally made a page for my old writings. theres currently just one work on there, but enjoy anyway, i guess.
visitblueplanet 6 months ago

it looks so awesome

1 like
nymphblood 6 months ago

oh i absolutely enjoy conversing with violet, she's a wonderful librarian. the poetry here is also lovely. this is so exciting

vashti 6 months ago

I adore your poetry page, such an interesting & creative concept ^^

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i have spent the past day and a half making a new site graphic i forgot how fucking daunting this shit is
How did you get the background of your textboxes blue like that???? thats so cool. tysm for visiting my site!!!
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velvetblue 6 months ago

basically, the textbox backgrounds are just the image i use for my table backgrounds (, but edited a lot. first, i take the original background, and manually edit it to a certain height and width for how big i want the textbox to be. then, i apply the blurred edges effect using this (

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velvetblue 6 months ago

also thanks, your sites awesome!!

i hate it when i have the motivation to add things to the site but have no clue what the fuck to add
vashti 6 months ago

Me toooo! I started keeping a list of things that I want to add/edit, it's helped (,,^・⋏・^,,)

analexrujamoment 6 months ago

I agree with vashti. Makin a list helps.

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fh102 6 months ago

me too fr!

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hatsu 6 months ago

bruh i feel you

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neocities site screenshots on their way to make my site look 10x worse than it actually does

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Last updated 22 hours ago
CreatedJun 16, 2021
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