Sea of Stars :: We're all under the same sky

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Thanks for the follow, I followed you back.Cute website you got here, it has lots of contents. I love anime and building sites too.I still have my freewebs account.
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seaofstars 4 years ago

Thank you! I love your site's layout, it's so nostalgic! I'm working on more content~ My freewebs site got purged in the switch over to it being called 'webs' unfortunately :(

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chaixtea 4 years ago

Awe thanks for the liking my site.I can't wait to see more of your contents. And yes freewebs changed to webs but the layout is still the same for me when I log in.I'm sorry your freewebs got purged :(

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedAug 17, 2020
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