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Congratulations! You've been JAUP'd! Your site is now listed here: If you wish you may display any of these buttons with a link back to JAUP on your site!
googol 5 years ago

Well deserved!

rvklein 5 years ago

Thanks. Cool.

1 like
Thanks for the follow, there.
geouniversal 5 years ago

your page is sick!

rvklein 5 years ago

Thanks. I appreciate it.

geouniversal 5 years ago

i'm really into your ideogramma icon collection. it's so nice

rvklein 5 years ago

geouniversal: I'm flattered. Each icon took a while. Some of the visual metaphors are my own creations, some are quite standard, and some are even based off of program icons (like tools/commands you would find in inkscape, blender, or a bitmap image manipulation app).

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rvklein 5 years ago

I also studied the book "Dictionary of Symbols" by Carl G Liungman quite extensively, as it has many interesting visual metaphors which are not seen or used in modern times or in unicode at all.

geouniversal 5 years ago

I don't think I've seen a bandaid in the same set as a snap to midpoint icon. so much diversity but still feels like every piece belongs

Okay, I love your theme. Despite how much my mid-nothings web browsing experiences have brought me to despise this smug stock photo model.
Hey, thanks for following!
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ngoomie 5 years ago

I know this is late, but you're welcome!

rvklein 5 years ago

Working on my JavaScript loader/bootstrapping script again. It's a script that loads another script that can then load more scripts. I've put some thought and care into making sure it's useful in old or primitive runtime environments.

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cool site buddy
rvklein 5 years ago

Anything particular you like about it? Anything particular you dislike about it?

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encounters-ltd 5 years ago

cool site buddy

1 like
Thanks for the follow. Lovely choice of account name, by the way.
[ H E L L O ]
nibiru 5 years ago

H e l l o [ N E I G H B O R ]

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedFeb 15, 2016
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