Art Fight season is upon us! I'll be working on finishing up character website stuff for the next few days.
I decided to try my hand at CSS gradient exploits, and what better to do that with than pride flag CSS??!!?!? I hope someone enjoys this as much as I do.
I am really, really enamored with these. Just spent like 10 minutes clicking back and forth between the flags like I was popping bubble-wrap.
@zelkova I relate and I was the one who made it. I keep tabbing back to it and changing the colors for my own amusement....
If you miss the styleswitcher, I do too and will have it back up as soon as I figure out what the other styles should look like...
Are you a tea connoisseur? Try one of my tea blends based on my characters! I've spent a few weeks developing and taste testing these and they're going great so far.
I also have SNAC teas in the works but still have to name and draw recipe cards for them. They exist, though!
Want to keep your blog active but never know what to write about? Start a newsletter! I get what the substack people see in this now.
Very very late June newsletter!
I'm also going to start mirroring Polymerization Preparation here for Exposure TM so go look at it :-)