Moved domains

783 updates
0 tips
I've put up a guide on my blog! It details how to configure WireGuard to do port forwarding between two servers, for if you want to self-host stuff on a machine in your home without exposing your IP address or messing with your router, for example. You can read it here:
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Moved domains was updated.
1 year ago
oh apparently I get to keep this? cool
I've moved hosts and domains to! I'm probably going to end my Neocities supporter subscription, and niceopod is actually my secondary profile and I don't know what will happen to it when I do. I still intend to check in on Neocities sometimes, so if for some reason you want to keep following me then you'll want to follow this profile here.
deeptwisty 1 year ago

can confirm

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Moved domains was updated.
1 year ago
Moved domains was updated.
1 year ago
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Moved domains was updated.
2 years ago
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Moved domains was updated.
2 years ago
Moved domains was updated.
2 years ago
Moved domains was updated.
2 years ago
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedApr 9, 2022
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personal programming music art blog