think the music is so repetetive in sufami mario picross that its unbearable after a while. can definitely relate
As games for normies come, Halo is sporadically engaging. It doesn't provoke abashed horripilation or violent emesis like Call of Duty or anything. Look, I don't know. I played this thing while babysitting years ago and it kept everybody out of my hair while I grappled with the goddamned Jiffy Pop on a wretchedly temperamental stovetop. Anyway, Doomguy could kick Mister Chef's ASS in a fistfight
@rbuchanan I wanted to like your comment but I accidentally hit delete >_< So sorry about that!
I enjoyed both Crazy Taxis, but also prefer the first; were all of the maps available in the sequel, I might change my mind....
These are great. I'm still chuckling over your reviews for Milk outside, A&D, TLC >____<'
musha aleste good!