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GAMERA was updated.
4 months ago
GAMERA was updated.
4 months ago
rbuchanan 4 months ago

Ghosts is basically every cheesy televised special about paranormal phenomena hosted by Lee/McDowell/Nimoy/et al. as a video game: lame, Boomerish, ultimately loveable. Yow, your gamelog is equal parts commendation archive and nostalgia trip.

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rbuchanan 4 months ago

You're probably not an Xer, so the edgycool demeanor so popular in the '90s may seem abnormal and asinine because it is. As often as not, its enactment entails being a prick to everyone and bitching about corporations while shilling a corporate product. I scoffed through Y2K circa 2002 and of course I hate everything about it, but that inexplicably rendered lime green sofa is as indelible as anything I've ever seen.

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Your site is so awesome! Mind boggled at the number of games you've (probably?) completed
gamera 4 months ago

Hey thanks a lot!! Yeah I probably spend too much time playing games lol. I also really like your site and your art, you perfectly manage to capture the 90s OVA feeling!!

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GAMERA was updated.
4 months ago
GAMERA was updated.
5 months ago
773tk 5 months ago

musha aleste good!

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GAMERA was updated.
5 months ago
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GAMERA was updated.
5 months ago
GAMERA was updated.
5 months ago
773tk 5 months ago

think the music is so repetetive in sufami mario picross that its unbearable after a while. can definitely relate

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rbuchanan 5 months ago

As games for normies come, Halo is sporadically engaging. It doesn't provoke abashed horripilation or violent emesis like Call of Duty or anything. Look, I don't know. I played this thing while babysitting years ago and it kept everybody out of my hair while I grappled with the goddamned Jiffy Pop on a wretchedly temperamental stovetop. Anyway, Doomguy could kick Mister Chef's ASS in a fistfight

rbuchanan 5 months ago

*master chef iron chef

GAMERA was updated.
6 months ago
miela583 6 months ago

Burger Bistro Story looks so cute; Kairosoft game rule.

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gamera 6 months ago

@rbuchanan I wanted to like your comment but I accidentally hit delete >_< So sorry about that!

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rbuchanan 5 months ago

Eh, I've only done that five or six times

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CreatedJun 9, 2022
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personal videogames gaming retro games