It's a Fool's Paradise, Anyhow!

766 updates
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coming into neocities was kind of scary bcs i thought you had to be a really good coder to get any like recognition or followersbut actually this community is so accepting of any skill level or how you choose to build your webbed site and i think thats really makes making my Own site a lot less stressful LOL
foolsparadise 2 years ago

ofcourse mostof this is just my own paranoia like i go into everything worried ill be judged but still...its encouraging ^_^

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btw i noticed for whatever weird reason the link back button on my guestbook just isnt working. confusing. i went to fix it yesterday and it seemed fine when i put my url in the settings section and then it just did what it did before. idk!!! has anyone else had this issue with guestbook 123
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foolsparadise 2 years ago

new cursor i made in like literally 5 seconds. its a teeny tiny star trek combadge ^_^

hmmi totally need to make a new cursor. i was okay with hte one i made for a second and then i realized its massive. well !
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foolsparadise 2 years ago

i have no idea what im gonna make it idk i was gonna look up some but i feel like making my own esp bcs they are just so easy to make

linked back to some of you guys.... finally LOL. also im thinking of making an entrance page but i may do that way later on when my sites prettier
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ADDED A BLOG Whooo !!!! okay i honestly thoughthtat itd be forever until id actually make a nice blog page i was so intimidated by the concept but they are actually easy to make. hopeyou enjoy a little insider info about my week..
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remade the about page and added the plans page but for some reason it is not showing that i did so on my profile - .- regardless. its there! and it looks cool sorta
nice start to your website so far! its looking pretty good :D
foolsparadise 2 years ago

thank you so muchh!!! ^_^

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foolsparadise 2 years ago

NEW LAYOUT >_< im so excited im going to try and umm...churn out two more pages maybe.. i know this is a lot more simpler than the template, but i felt like i was stifling creativity or something.

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Last updated 45 minutes ago
CreatedOct 14, 2019
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personal music artist startrek lgbt