It's a Fool's Paradise, Anyhow!

723 updates
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float css be my best firend today thankyou
OKAY today after i....procrastinate by playing splatoon im going to redo my about section. i honestly hate the drop downs... i think its too simple so im going to see what i can do with it today
hi guys i need coding help. can one of you guys explain to me how to put an image on either side of a div. like on both sides. i wanted to put a teddy bear png on both sides of my about section but they keep staying on the same side. halp
rpgfan54 1 year ago

css grid is your best friend! if u want, i can send u the code for smth similar

foolsparadise 1 year ago

ty!!! ill try to figure those out myself from here but ill let you know if i need a code for it!

i am kind of intimidated of coding again if im being honest haha ;; i thought i had the surface level knowledge but i noticed lately theres still a lot im missing out on and its SCARY AGAIN.
foolsparadise 1 year ago

its okay ill get over it im a big boy i just noticed someone followedme hold on

psychonauts 1 year ago

You Will Update. Now.

team bloom won and it broke my team winning streak of three years IM GONNA EXPLODE.
there is a person on here whos site crashes my browser immediately among clicking it and i have forgotten their url and clicked it 3 times now
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foolsparadise 1 year ago

this is your brain on firefox IG but id genuinely rather die than open chrome

FIRST WEB RING ACCOMPLISHED can i get a hell yeah
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ollys-site 1 year ago

he'll yeah

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glassyhouse 1 year ago

hell yeah!!

foolsparadise 1 year ago

new blog post...enjoy....i might start on my shrines at some point hmmm

finally fixed the link back button on my guestbook LOL im not very smart <3
everybody follow my best friend earthy. do ittttttttttttttt

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedOct 14, 2019
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