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Good day, does anyone know how to make a hoverable dropdown and could help me a little?
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eyesonthelens 5 years ago


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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

Yep, I try to do it the way it explains on w3schools but haven't been able to do it.

eyesonthelens 5 years ago

I mean, it works but the entire navbar goes crazy.

eyesonthelens 5 years ago

Oh, wait, now it works!!!

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I would like to host a Mastodon server, but it just looks so overwhelming that I would prefer not to
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rbuchanan 5 years ago

Thirty years ago, this was everyone's (first world) problem: unless a picture was issued by Warner, RCA/Columbia, Paramount or CBS/Fox, the best one could usu. expect was a shoddy VHS edition cheaply recorded at EP. Unless a flick was shot in the Academy ratio, its original AR was seldom preserved ("Manhattan" was a rare exception)...

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rbuchanan 5 years ago

...Many big studio productions and successful independent movies ("Cuckoo's Nest," "Capricorn One") were routinely licensed by Goodtimes or Republic, whose editions were routinely crummy. Thousands of great flicks (such as Altman's best pictures) were never commercially available via videocassette. Anyhow, what did you watch?

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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

I watched "Animas Trujano" starring Toshiro Mifune, it's actually pretty cool, sad thing that the pan and scan where so bad that sometimes the shots didn't had anything on them, but overall an amazing and very emotional movie, still need to make my mind about it, but overall it's a quality work

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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

I'm actually fascinated with the amazing dubbing of the film that only involved Mifune, they teached him how to make the fonetics sound of their lines so it could sound more realistic, and it totally does, he didn't even know a single word in spanish, which is amazing.

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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

Oh, and I also watched Mikio Naruse's When a Woman ascend the stairs, however, I can't say I understood the events of the film.

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rbuchanan 5 years ago

"Animas" really is terrific; I saw it in the late '90s on a (now defunct) cable channel and found it terribly poignant. Though their performances are disparate, Mifune's vocal assay and dubbing there are conformable to Lancaster's in "The Leopard."

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rbuchanan 5 years ago

Like so many postware Japanese flicks (and esp. those penned by Kikushima) "When a Woman Ascends the Stairs" is primarily concerned with the necessities of endurance and sacrifice, and the asperities commonly afflicting independent women of that period.

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rbuchanan 5 years ago

Naruse's work thematically anticipates some of the best features by Oshima and Imamura, though he was a more formal and graceful filmmaker. If you liked "Stairs," see his "Floating Clouds," certainly the most famous and probably best of his collaborations with Hideko Takamine.

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rbuchanan 5 years ago

Further, I borrowed Criterion's superlative edition of "Woman Ascends" from a library in the aughts; it's also worth a spin:

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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

Uh, I would love to grab that DVD, sadly that eBay listing doesn't ship to my area but I'll keep an eye out for it

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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

Oh wait, I just bought both

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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

Yo... Add me on Discord (iyw), I'm pretty lonely ^^

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scarbyte 5 years ago

You should join the Pennys club discord server if you're not already in it. It's basically a neocities discord server. :

I feel like this site is missing something...
saikai 5 years ago

...what is it?

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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

I don't know... something fun... and quirky like me

rbuchanan 5 years ago

IRC channel

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rbuchanan 5 years ago

Keep fishing whenever you can, and relax; someone's always waiting for someone like you. For which curricula are you registered?

eyesonthelens 5 years ago

I'm registered to microeconomics II, macroeconomics I, sociology, statistics II, demography, math III and economic history of Mexico.

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Our conversation about ancillary documentaries prompted me to finally list this: Let me know how you take it, and if you've any suggestions.
eyesonthelens 5 years ago

At the beginning I agreed with all of them except Mary and the Witch's Flower and Kiki: Delivery Service, but after thinking about for a while I have to accept that it's a really good match. What do you think about Lady Snowblood 1 and 2/Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2?

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rbuchanan 5 years ago

If any chambara deserves release in NA, it's Toho's, TV Asahi's and TV Tokyo's "Nemuri Kyoshiro" series. AnimEigo issued videocassettes and laserdiscs of Daiei's first six flicks, then three quadripartite DVD sets of the dozen in which Ichikawa starred under the title "Sleepy Eyes of Death."

rbuchanan 5 years ago

However, the anteceding trilogy of the '50s, last two features by Daiei starring Hiroki Matsukata and numerous subsequent televised series and features aren't available outside Japan and Hong Kong. I'd love to see any of these as boxed sets.

eyesonthelens 5 years ago

I haven't seen those, I'll add them to my list!!! :o

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English is hard! :/
madville 5 years ago

It's my native language, and I have to agree.

eyesonthelens 5 years ago

tbh I really need to practice and study a little more

calei2copi0 5 years ago

Easy to learn, hard to master, I would say! What's your mother language, anyway?

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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

Spanish, I've spend a lot of time practicing pronunciation and vocabulary, but kinda forgot about grammar

I did an oopsie, accidentally deleted your comment :S
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eyesonthelens 5 years ago

I watched Les demoiselles ont eu 25 ans by Agnès Varda and Jafar Panahi's Taxi, and I've been looking for the DVD of Burden of Dreams but can't find it yet u.u

rbuchanan 5 years ago

In all sincerity, I wish Criterion, Kino or some other specialty/premium distributor would bundle "Burden" with "Fitzcarraldo"...and "Hearts of Darkness" with "Apocalypse Now."

rbuchanan 5 years ago

I wasn't familiar with "Les demoiselles," though I'm very fond of "Young Girls of Rochefort." I'll check it out.

eyesonthelens 5 years ago

Yeah, I really wish the same, specially when the films don't receive equal recognition for each other, even tho I feel like they complement each other. Regarding, Les demoiselles, Varda shares a bunch of BTS footage of the film, there's interviews with some of the cast, Michel Legrand and the people of Rochefort.

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