136 updates
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¿Qué significa guata?
VERTEDERO was updated.
3 years ago
does anyone know a tutorial on how to make a web resize depending on the resolution of the visitor? If it's to difficult maybe i'll just let my page blank like those webs
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eyesonthelens 4 years ago

I think dann published one but centered around mobile pages, excuse me for one second....

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eyesonthelens 4 years ago

You could also use percentages instead of pixels but that could go wrong very easy

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vertedero 4 years ago

oh hey, thanks! i will look it up

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VERTEDERO was updated.
4 years ago
thanks for checking out my site, i also like rlly your site and html layout :)!!! i hope you're staying safe in the midst of political turmoil and i'm eager to read more updates.
VERTEDERO was updated.
4 years ago
VERTEDERO was updated.
4 years ago
VERTEDERO was updated.
4 years ago
VERTEDERO was updated.
4 years ago
Gracias por el follow!!! <3
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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedOct 10, 2019
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