386 updates
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I think I wont edit anymore this site. I ll let it freeze and build another one, I dont know why I cant archive it or delete it. I like it being here just forever still. Ill post the link to my new site when its up! :D
society-observers-society 11 months ago

for now I just have this very simple blog: that will remain active till I put up the new site. Im excited cuz Im taking this seriously again B)

SPACE was updated.
1 year ago
i b like, uploading my website every 2 years xd
SPACE was updated.
2 years ago
SPACE was updated.
2 years ago
SPACE was updated.
3 years ago
SPACE was updated.
3 years ago
1 like
SPACE was updated.
3 years ago
thanks for following!!
1 like
society-observers-society 3 years ago

^^ I'm enjoying El's music reviews alot! ~listening to Quaristice rn

1 like
society-observers-society 3 years ago

oh and thanks for the follow-back!

1 like
encounters-ltd 3 years ago

quaristice rocks!!

1 like
SPACE was updated.
3 years ago
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 12, 2019
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poetry collage writing