Alien Head Shit Kid

13,564 updates
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THIS WEBSITE IS SO COOL! Is there any way you'd tell me how you did that movie opinions page? it's super cool and I'd love to do something similar on my site (since I have a very large dvd collection and I realised that I'm probably going to end up with a lot of movie reviews that will need their own dedicated page) but totally fine if not !!
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alienheadshitkid 1 year ago

Thank you so much! Feel free to hit inspect source code on any of my pages if you want to know how I do things :^) I'm totally new to JavaScript myself so I figured it out through trial and error lol. If you have any specific questions you let me know!!

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMar 10, 2023
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videogames aliens 90s nostalgia blog