
3,291 updates
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i need you to know that i saw the ucc coffee w milk at my japanese grocery and i got it because of you, you are an influencer
sorbier 2 days ago

update: it was good, a little sweet;;;;;;;;;; per your influencing, i may try the unsweetened black next

suboptimalism 1 day ago

western manufacturers have stepped up their game lately but they still don't make anything like japanese unsweetened black coffee... closest they get is unsweetened cold brew.

suboptimalism 1 day ago

not canned, but i'm also fond of this UCC "職人の珈琲" that comes in a rectangular PET bottle with a blue label, it's black coffee with just the slightest hint of sugar, no milk or cream or anything, somehow it works perfectly

suboptimalism 1 day ago

one of these days i should update the canned coffee page, i've still been collecting cans this whole time, i have a backlog of maybe 40 of them

sorbier 1 day ago

ty, i shall report back. 100% support a 40-can injection to your coffee page

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMay 5, 2022
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