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Rust Cohle is such a good character. I love how vehemently Hart reacts to his weird ramblings, just a near-violent exasperation (also I need to watch that Bad Lieutenant, I love Nick Cave movie cameos...). Happy holidays!
"time is a flat circle" "what is that, Nietzsche? shut the fck up" π©
oh yeah, completely forgot to mention that they have one of the wildest "odd couple" detective partner pairings ever. i think what first convinced me to watch it was seeing the clip where hart says "i just want you to stop saying odd shit" then asks "you get any sleep last night" to which rust replies "i don't sleep. i just dream". especially amusing is how hard rust carries them, despite hart's grumbling.
haven't seen bad lieutenant, but if you want another movie about the horror of back pain, i highly recommend tsai mingliang's "the river"