Snewberry / Snewdraws

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i wanna cancel my google subscription b/c the company is novediving into unethical practices, does anyone have any good google drive alternatives that work with both apple/windows ?
badgraph1csghost 2 weeks ago

I've heard good things about Mega. Not sure if you have to pay for data though.

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snewberry 2 weeks ago

idm paying as long as it fits my needs :)

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shydeer 2 weeks ago

i hear a lot of people talk about proton, which does mail and cloud storage. you do have to pay but it sounds like it's worth it!

fatgrrlz 2 weeks ago

I've been cruising with proton mail/drive recently and I like it a lot :3

strawberryreverie 2 weeks ago

i use dropbox and it lets me seamlessly transfer and store files with my computer/phone/ipad! it's been very convenient, but i do pay for it.

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gildedware 2 weeks ago

I use dropbox as well! I like it a lot, I have the 1TB plan and I set it up so the folders I work with the most (like art) syncronize automatically to it, which has saved me a couple times haha

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CreatedMar 30, 2023
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