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Why can't all browsers just display websites in the same way. Now I have to re work a bunch of stuff on my website and download google chrome (ew).
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lolwut 4 years ago

This wouldn't be a problem if the entire world used Internet Explorer, you know!

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38cautionzone 4 years ago

Yeah, Internet Explorer is the best for everything in 2019!

38cautionzone 4 years ago

In all seriousness though, some browser have different coding. Mozilla Firefox use their own code while Chrome and Edge (new ver.) use Chromium. You can add a code that other browser support but other one don't. It rare but if you go to w3school, each tutorial show what browser version are usable. I sorry that you have to re-work your site for small bugs though.

geneticabhorrence 4 years ago

Because giving one group a complete monopoly on web standards isn't exactly a good choice. Google has already tried gimping adblockers in Chrome before, if there was no competition against Blink then Google could do what they want with total impunity.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJun 8, 2019
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