πŸ§ƒπŸ§ΈπŸŽˆπŸŒž Vivarism πŸŒžπŸ§ΈπŸŽˆπŸ§ƒ

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vivarism 1 year ago

Today I'm rambling about video games... Z__Z

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cloverbell 1 year ago

I don't know much about the atelier series besides hearing about it in passing, but Sophie does look super cute!! I did a cursory search and I like that the characters are mostly girls in cute, frilly clothes. And I wish I could bring myself to reset my ACNH island! I want so badly to play it again from scratch but I'm too sentimental about my island...

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vivarism 1 year ago

Atelier girls are so well dressed, I'm honestly jealous! And it is really tough to let go of something youre so proud of! I wonder, which is more important to you: re-experiencing ACNH and creating something new, or exploring and appreciating the creation you've already made? What choice would bring you the most joy? Just something to think about.

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cloverbell 1 year ago

I’ll definitely ruminate on this… if only ACNH let you have multiple islands like how you could have multiple ACNL towns with extra cartridges!! The replay value would be out of this world -_-

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sephiria 1 year ago

omgosh i love your art so much

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vivarism 1 year ago

Thank you for taking a look Sephi!!! πŸ₯Ί

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vivarism 1 year ago

New Undertale art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a journal entry about getting lost in thought....

vivarism 1 year ago

Clickbait title for today's entry: Nonviolent Communication Actually Very Violent?! Discover the T.R.U.T.H. with Investigator Flonne!

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sephiria 1 year ago

Your diary entry today makes me WISH I could discuss it with you at length. Wow. I've drafted up four different responses to you. But just... this one really hits home for me. One day I hope I can talk to you in private about subjects like this! Thank you for bringing attention to the important reality of these abuses of ideologies, people really need to understand that something can be one way on paper & another-

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sephiria 1 year ago

- in practice. Or something can be 'good' to one person and a 'weapon' to another... many such cases. I really like reading these and I believe journaling isa great way for you to get back in touch with writing because they do hold a creative and, particularly, emotional value. It has a feeling to it like I am sitting down across from you, the writer, and we are having a conversation, which is a novel quality that-

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sephiria 1 year ago

-is lost when you read like, a paper or something. And I feel for sensitive or severe topics like abuse this kind of format can the best way to explore the subject. It gives your feelings and your journey authority firstly and then it opens it up to the reader and their own journey, thoughts, feelings. I DUNNO THIS IS way too long of a comment but I really look forward to your next entry! Thank you.

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vivarism 1 year ago

@Sephi hey, why NOT discuss this privately and at length?! The passion in your words totally blew me away, i want to hear more. I'll send you a private message: keep an eye out!

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vivarism 1 year ago

Another entry whose clickbait title eludes me. The most important announcement is my new domain: What you see on Neocities is a perfect mirror, but feel free to visit there anyways!

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cloverbell 1 year ago

Firstly, congrats on the new domain! Secondly... I'm really excited about Fashion Dreamer too! hors emailed me the trailer a few days ago and I haven't stopped thinking about it since. :DD I'm excited about the online aspect, it brings massively multiplayer avatar games from my childhood to mind. Since youre planning on playing a ROM, I probably wont see your avatar wandering around but I'd love to see what outfits-

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cloverbell 1 year ago

-you make regardless. ^^ And lastly! I really appreciated your 'moments' note. A lot of what you write prompts me to self reflect with more depth and kindness. I always leave with a little more insight and self compassion. Good luck with your new host!

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sephiria 1 year ago

I really enjoyed reading your journal, you are very eloquent! I'm glad that you have made the switch over to your new domain! Also... I too am really hype for Fashion Dreamer (I never thought we would get it!) Your exact count of how many days made me giggle. I do that same exact thing for the releases I'm looking forward to. I'm sad about the 'hyper-online' aspect of it but *shrugs* it seems like most modern games-

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sephiria 1 year ago

-incorporate that kind of element now. Have you played any much of the other Style Savvy games? What did you think of them? I think that Stoker sounds very up my alley so I would like to watch it. I also really resonated to your relationship you describe with fiction. Thanks for letting us read your journal ^^ It feels almost kinda forbidden to read something so personal... but it's beautiful too!

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vivarism 1 year ago

@Lune Yes, let's both show off our future Fashion Dreamer coords!! Which games does it remind you of? TinierMe? Gaia? I have a feeling this release will be even better! && I'm glad I could inspire some self compassion in you. Thank you so much for letting me know <33 That's all I could ever want!

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vivarism 1 year ago

@Sephi "Forbidden," huh...! I like the sound of that!!! Thank you for taking the time to read my diary, and if you watch Stoker OMG PLEASEEEE email me!!! As for Fashion Dreamer: I was just as surprised! I've played all the Style Savvy games and after finishing Styling Star last summer, I felt totally desperate for yet slightly hopeless about a Switch release. So glad it's come to fruition!

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cloverbell 1 year ago

I look forward to seeing yours! I’m curious as to what shops/styles you trended towards in Style Savvy too lol. The avatar dress up mmos i played as a kid were tinierme, ameba pico, and line play!

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vivarism 1 year ago

A new diary with a brand new layout!! I really like this one, it's so colourful and cute, wahh. Today's entry is so odd I can't came up with a clickbait title... I have nothing to entice you but the cute new design......

vivarism 1 year ago

Just moving stuff around, fixing broken links/images. Don't mind me...

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Tu as le plus unique Β« about page Β» que j'aie jamais vue. Il me semblait qu'on peut la faire dΓ©filer pour une Γ©ternitΓ©, la faire tremper dans ton collage Γ©clectique. En vrai, l'arrivΓ©e Γ  la fin m'a totalement surprise. MΓͺme sans Γ©crits usuelles, j'ai appris bien Γ  ta personnalitΓ© et tes passe-temps. Bien fait. Tu m'inspires.
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pumpkin-ninja 1 year ago

Oh my. Dear, these words warm my heart, sincerely it is powerful. Thank you so much, for taking some time to visit my pages, thank you so much for the inspiration. I am truly so glad to found your pages as well !! Your words are inspiring too, you seem to be such a creative and wonderful person. Merci !! Infiniment.

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vivarism 1 year ago

TODAY IS MY FIRST ANNIVERSARY WITH SANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or is it?

cloverbell 1 year ago

happy (late) anniversary! your diary entry was cute and I laughed really hard at the ending lol! cute outfit too :D

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vivarism 1 year ago

thank you vry much lune!!!! so glad I could make you laugh <33 it was actually your outfit pics inspired me to share mine ^w^

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cloverbell 1 year ago

lol it was seemingly the perfect sans themed day had it not been for the date! I’m sure you could work out a story about how it was all an elaborate prank he’s pulling on you. and im happy i could inspire you to post outfits! here’s to more Flonne fashion :D

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vivarism 1 year ago

Clickbait title for today's entry: ZOMG Guys I'm LITERALLY Enlightened!!!!! πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

vivarism 1 year ago

News that I didn't talk about because I was busy rambling about Buddhism: the transition to NFShost is going well! I'm stuck on the HTTPS certification because it's all so new to me, I need some brain power before I really dig in... Very soon I'll share the new domain :+) Stay tuned!

cloverbell 1 year ago

Good luck with the transition to your new host, and with practicing meditation! I was raised Buddhist but could never meditate well haha

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vivarism 1 year ago

Thank you Lune!! I'm late replying here lol but I always appreciate your comments πŸ₯ΊπŸ’›

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