
161 updates
0 tips
torchwebs was updated.
1 month ago
i need to wipe this site free and start again now that i'm free from the chains of university....
torchwebs was updated.
4 months ago
torchwebs was updated.
8 months ago
torchwebs was updated.
8 months ago
update: i hyperfocused on making my shit look nice for three quick hours, and the bare bones are done. somewhat.
update! my css is working kind of? but i can't see it on my browser, which is very irritating (i use firefox, so maybe it is not supported). i am just getting the hang of implementing css, which is definitely fun! more fun than just looking at black text on a white background in the same font forever.
torchwebs was updated.
9 months ago
torchwebs was updated.
9 months ago
i started a computer science course so i will be actually building my website now as a bit of a personal project!!

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2023
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writing programming art personal