jeez, i should really spiff up those hinges...

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love your kramer favicon
Sick website, really cool to look at.
alongcomesmary 1 month ago

thanks! I love your MASH section!! :)

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just posted the midnight cowboy fangame!! admittedly while i'm proud of my art and fine w sharing it im a little shy w writing T_T!!!
gooooser 1 month ago

I got a chance to read what you wrote today and it's so nice!!! I really like your writing style and I'd love to read more from you :-) (if you ever make anymore)!!

don;t know if i should link this midnight cowboy fan game thingy i made on twine on my MC shrine . i'll prolly edit and post it regardless but fellow midnight cowboy fans plz lmk if this is smth you'd wanna see!! :)
gooooser 1 month ago

I don't think there are enough words in the English language to describe how much i need to see that. it sounds so cool!!!

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your site is so cool!! i love your yellow submarine pictures!! i've got a pin of paul's lil character in my ita bag hehe. ALSO!!! fellow midnight cowboy fan!!! i hope you got a kick outta my shrine + fanart!! :)
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gooooser 2 months ago

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! I literally jumped for joy when I found your page and the midnight cowboy stuff!! Also, your art is absolutely adorable, I love it so much!! :-)

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