
233 updates
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Departure! was updated.
1 month ago
Departure! was updated.
1 month ago
Yesterdays update: Added a link to a strawpoll so visitors can vote on which character their favorite is! ( I would've preferred implementing it with actual code, but I don't have the time or energy to figure that out.
Departure! was updated.
1 month ago
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Departure! was updated.
1 month ago
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Update about my lack of updates: I have (regrettably) barely drawn at all in the months since the new year, real life reasons, but also I don't have much drive or many ideas to draw :( I would love to update this page again but I'm not sure what changes or additions I can make.
thank you for the follow!! ^_^
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Departure! was updated.
6 months ago
Departure! was updated.
7 months ago
Departure! was updated.
8 months ago

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 4, 2022
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art story writing ocs