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meduka... rabu...
I'm not sure how well regarded Angel Beats! is nowadays, but it was the Ultimate show for an anime lover in 2010. it really had everything: a ridiculous premise, goofy highschool antics, original j-rock music, stylish action, extreme melodrama, 2 different girls... + a weird rocker guy with a faux-English catchphrase
yea angel beats was peak 2010 weeb CULTURE lmfao
i think it's largely forgotten now, i haven't seen anyone mention it in years, the only reason i was able to write about it was because i stumbled upon the OP song in a rhythm game recently and that unlocked memories. however, i do think it's more evidence for my "bad anime used to be better" theory (alternatively: "bad anime isn't as good anymore")
Excellent code geass review
booo I love CCS -_- but Doremi is fantastic as well
i never said it was bad... just not as good as doremi
Precure is the mahou shoujo to end all mahou shoujo anyway