R.V.Klein 🐇 HOME

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I don't know why I like this website but I do.
europ-europ 4 years ago

Wow, thanks a lot :)

Neat stuff. I would hope that your portfolio here makes you a desirable prospect for employment in the industry at a lot of companies. I don't know if that's something you're interested in. Not making you an offer here, however. Kudos though.
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bret 4 years ago

Thank you rvklein. I've been developing tools to make publishing to neocities easy to do out of a GitHub repo. maybe you are interested in something like that.

I find your art style to be quite lovely. It works nicely with the subject matter you seem to be interested in too.
m0r1bund 4 years ago

*_* Thank you so much for the kind words!!

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Cute stuff. Nice to see a fellow Montenegro ccTLD owner. Thanks for doing the polite thing and including a noscript message. I implore you to take a dig through any of the contents of the source of my own site here. I bet it's hot in in the state of TN right now.
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mystsaphyr 4 years ago

Hey, thanks so much! Trying my best to learn web best practices as I do this I guess haha, still need to add some kind of alternative nav like a sitemap or something. Love the layout of your site btw, I'll be sure to dig around a bit! (And it's not terribly hot, just humid... really humid)

Note [mostly to self]: The homepage design needs some small adjustments to handle overflow behaviour of the auxiliary navigation link pool [on mobile]. Oops. No big deal. I will probably just drop the minimum width from that which will allow line breaking to happen between link blocks.
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rvklein 4 years ago

Just now added the IPNS (IPFS name address service) link to the homepage hidden in the accessory website links details disclosure element. I am excited to finally figure out how to utilise this technology myself without Neocities to help. Not that I plan on leaving here as my so-called "home base" any time soon. I am happy to have a better ensured continuity of availability from my use of decentralisation tech though

rvklein 4 years ago

In case anyone has read the former comment regarding my new addition of IPNS based routing for the content of my website on IPFS, you can help me by pinning/mirroring from the following name/hash:

rvklein 4 years ago

oops ... ipns://QmRs5b2u1kPvAgpB9rErTJstys67xczRL3XB4joSThzUiJ/

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metatronzero 4 years ago

always love seeing your site

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rvklein 4 years ago

Thanks. Currently working on the distribution of site content and other such things.

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedFeb 15, 2016
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